Kilombo de Pradinas has a closed to the public apple orchard in the rural portion of Kansas City. Our farm is 3.25 acres and a mix of forest and grassland. Kilombo de Pradinas grows 29 separate apple cultivars. Most of apple trees will be for used hard cider production. The orchard is sort of a research orchard to determine which apples grow well in the finicky Midwestern climate.
In addition to the cider apple orchard, Kilombo de Pradinas owns American Alpine goats and an expanding apiary.
The goats may be used for goat milk soap production in the future. The honey collected from the apiary will be made in mead in 2022. Our horse, Lilliie and English Shepherd dog, Lightning, guard and observe everything on our little slice of rural Americana.
List of Apples Cultivated in the Orchard
Swiss Limbertwig
Old Fashion Limbertwig
Unknown Apple #1
Brushy Mountain Limbertwig
Unknown Apple #2
Unknown Apple #3
Red Siberian Crab Apple
Gnarled Chapman
Red Royal Limbertwig
Victoria Limbertwig
Hewes Virginia Crab
Golden Russett
Empty Spot for a Pear Tree
Saint Edmund’s Russett
Yarlington Mill
Ashton’s Bitter
Bitter’s Pew
Royal Limbertwig
Minnesota 1734
Porter’s Perfection
Roxbury Russett
Screen Shot
Unknown Apple #4
Medaille d’Or
Esopus Spitenburg